Kspectra multitaper method
Kspectra multitaper method

kspectra multitaper method

The toolkit contains procedures for:- estimating the spectrum, cross-spectrum and coherence,- decomposing the time series into trends, oscillatory components, and noise by using sophisticated statistical significance tests, - reconstructing and predicting the contributions of trends and near-periodic components of the time series, - gap-filling technique for analysis of datasets with missing data.kSpectra includes Blackman-Tukey Correlogram, Maximum-Entropy Method, MultiTaper Method, Singular Spectrum Analysis, and Principal Component Analysis. Compared to conventional cross correlation and deconvolution reconstruction methods. To effectively extract and compensate active seismic data that lack low frequencies, we propose a multitaper spectral reconstruction method based on multiple sinusoidal tapers and derive equations for multisource and multitrace conditions. The Multi-Taper method (MTM) of spectral analysis provides a novel means for spectral estimation (Thomson, 1982 Percival and Walden, 1993) and signal reconstruction (e.g. It provides a set of powerful tools for analysis of univariate or multivariate time series arising in various branches of science, ranging from electrical engineering and physics to geophysics, as well as life, biomedical sciences, finance and economics. Passive seismic data contain large amounts of low-frequency information. background spectrum using KSpectra (SpectraWorks, version 2.2).


KSpectra is a math scientific application for advanced time series analysis on Mac OS X. wavelet analysis, multitaper method (MTM) analysis and singular spectrum analysis (SSA).

Kspectra multitaper method